I saw an interesting Comment on Kotaku today in a news post about Sony PSP Piracy today.
That's why demos, reviews, previews, videos, screenshots, news articles, and forums exist. If you still manage to buy a game that is utter shit, even with all of these resources available to you, you have no one to blame for wasting your money other than yourself. It isn't the publisher's fault. It isn't the developer's fault. You were a stupid consumer. Period.Needless to say, I was actually quite concerned. This man's logic was indeed quite appalling.
-Anonymous (I Don't Remember His Name, Deal W/ It Nerd)
Let's look at a similar scenario that follows this same train of logic:
Oh, hey there you guys. I'm just on my way to work, as a police officer. I don't really feel like working today though, so I think I'll just slack off all day. If someone across the street from me gets shot by a criminal, I guess it's just their fault for going outside today, not my fault for not actually doing my job properly.
If real life actually worked like that, we would all be FUCKING DEAD.
However, let me be serious here. I don't try to defend acts of Piracy as "Mang, we're fucking Robin Hood and shit! STICK IT TO DA MAN!!!!" These people are just trying to appeal to their guilty consciences because they stole something. This is wrong. Piracy is stealing, I'm not trying to be all mighty and covering my shit by saying "LOL I R RIGHTEOUS". It's thievery, no matter how you look at it, and the sooner these LOL RIGHTEOUS Pirates realize that, the better. That still doesn't allow ignorant people like our commenter here to sling stupid shit around.
Piracy is a ( mostly) victimless crime. Yeah, I said it, faggots. If the person didn't plan to actually buy it in the first place, or was PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE of purchasing it, and they pirate it, who is being harmed? Oh right, no one! There's no lost sale, there's no lost copy (its just lines of code, people), there's no nothing.
Of course, some people respond with "But Cawmbat, you ignorant faggot, if someone is physically incapable of buying something (poorfags), they shouldn't be allowed to have it. That's the whole point of money!"
I'd say you are right, and you are wrong. This kind of logic only applies to physical objects. If I go and steal a banana from a store, simply because I couldn't afford it, it isn't a victimless crime. Someone had to grow that banana, factor in its size for shipping, and store it. But if I go download a movie from Demonoid or The Pirate Bay because I couldn't afford it, no one loses anything, it's not a physical copy of something. I guess you could compare it to a concept or idea, not something concrete.
In conclusion, both sides of the PIRACY WAR LOL annoy me. The ones who don't just deal with their actions and admit they steal ,and those who think Piracy is the end of the fucking world as we know it.
The bottom line, when I wake up some day, and video games no longer exist because of piracy, you can come and say "I told you so". Until then, shut the fuck up, because that day isn't coming.
I think that developers should ALWAYS offer a demo of their games, because people always want something safe to try for themselves before buying something. If that free trial is not offered, people aren't gonna say "pretty screenshots I'm buying the game" or "bribed person working at gamestop said buy this," they say "I'm not wasting my money on something I can't try for myself." If that desire for a free trial becomes the desire to pirate, developers have nothing to blame but their own stupidity.